April 2020 Financial Update

New funds raised of $20,000 including 4 new guild members.  One time donations and collections on pledges totaled $80,000, which is holding steady.

Spending continues to increase with April’s costs at $150,000; again there was significant work by the architects who continued working to develop the detailed technical drawings (Construction Documents) that will allow the Immaculata to be bid and constructed.  Along the way, they continued to consult with the priests and the SMAC Facilities team on details both aesthetic and functional as they worked to finalize design elements.  In April they also re-engaged their Lighting Designer and began working with the Acoustician on those aspects of the Immaculata.  To date, they have developed nearly 75 sheets of Architectural drawings, accompanied by many more from their Civil, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical Engineering partners. 

We look forward to seeing you at the groundbreaking on May 31st.  All those who have contributed or are continuing to make their pledge payments have made it possible to reach this milestone.  Thank you for your support.  To make a donation, please use our Donor Page