Main Altar (total cost: $69,000) COMBINED MAIN ALTAR DRAWINGS_Page_5_crop.jpg
sold out

Main Altar (total cost: $69,000)

Main Altar Crucifix (total cost: $4,000)
sold out

Main Altar Crucifix (total cost: $4,000)

Tabernacle for the Main Altar (total cost: $14,400)
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Tabernacle for the Main Altar (total cost: $14,400)

Sanctuary Lamp (total cost: $4,350)
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Sanctuary Lamp (total cost: $4,350)

The Ambo (total cost: $126,500)

The Ambo (total cost: $126,500)

Communion Rail (total cost: $76,000)

Communion Rail (total cost: $76,000)

Sanctuary Green Marble Columns (total cost: $173,600) sspx_immaculata_st_marys_ks_january_21_2023_3V6A4511.jpg

Sanctuary Green Marble Columns (total cost: $173,600)

Sanctuary Sculpted Capitals (total cost: $116,000)

Sanctuary Sculpted Capitals (total cost: $116,000)

Ambry (total cost: $1,500)
sold out

Ambry (total cost: $1,500)

Monstrance {re-gilding} (total cost: $1,850)
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Monstrance {re-gilding} (total cost: $1,850)

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Hand-Illuminated Altar Cards (total cost: $12,000)

Altar Bell Set (total cost: $600)
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Altar Bell Set (total cost: $600)

Sanctuary Wall Bell (total cost: $1,000)
sold out

Sanctuary Wall Bell (total cost: $1,000)

Main Altar Candlesticks (total cost: $1,245) Baroque Candlestick in gold-plated brass-2.PNG
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Main Altar Candlesticks (total cost: $1,245)

Cruet Set for feast days (total cost: $2,000) set-cruets-4808970-max.jpg
sold out

Cruet Set for feast days (total cost: $2,000)

Sanctuary Sedilia (total cost: $17,920)
sold out

Sanctuary Sedilia (total cost: $17,920)
